Tuesday, 10 June 2014

This project has been a lot of fun and has had its challenges. For example my dad left who was my mentor and who had all the tools that I used which made it quite difficult to fix anything, but I still managed. I believe that becoming a mechanic or knowing the basic you able to help out a friend creating more community s it a community building activity.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Switching battery Termonals

This is another post that will talk about things that aren't always what they seem. I have a john deer 3x18 if, you want to be technical, but for the sake of some of my friends its a riding lawn mower. One of my batteries died completely, and it wasn't charging. So I had a choice to spend $120 on a new battery ,or i could spend $12 on new terminals because I have a battery that would work in the tractor. Even though I had an idea how to change the terminals it was still going to be a lot of work. The way I was thinking of fixing it could go very wrong and possibly mess it up. I called a friend and told him what I was planning. I was planning on removing the old terminals and putting the new ones one which sounds simple enough but it could become complicated. My friend advised me to do it a different way which makes it much easier because I would just screw the new terminal to the old terminal there will be a video so you can understand what I'm taking about.