Tuesday, 18 March 2014

First start at fixing things

OK so for stars are starter for are snow blower stopped working not that was a big surprise its like 35 years old i believe. Since i live in the country shoveling the snow takes approximately 2hr and its not easy. This was kinda a big thing so my dad said go for it he bought me another starter and way i went. This wasn't as hard as i thought it would be because working with my dad building are church showed me a few electrical thing. What i had to do was simply remove the old starter and solder the the starter to the wire attached to the old wire with the new starter.
Sorry now pick's this time but next time i promise to have some 


One day it was just a regular morning getting ready for school then as I was leaving i noticed there was some colored snow on the ground. I know the first thing to think of is pee but it wasn't it was a different color then pee. So i decided when i got home to check what kind of fluid it was. Being who I em i decided to ask my dad what kind of fluid it was. As soon as he saw it he knew exactly what it would be radiator fluid because apparently it has a very distinctive smell to it. I checked to see how the radiator fluid was and it was dry as a bone i asked my dad why this was because he has almost babied this vehicle in the past. He told me its been like that for about 21 years. I had no idea why it was like that but if you would look in the actual radiator then it looked completely fine. After all of that I was like ok all done it broken but been like that for 19 years so it will probably be fine I checked to see if it had leaked again and it hadn't so I decided just to leave it.

Monday, 17 March 2014

For my passion project I have decided to do the mechanics of vehicles. The reasons why I choose to do mechanics for my passion project is because machines have always interested me. Another reason is why I want to learn about mechanics of vehicles is because I believe that learning about mechanics will help me in the future. I have done some mechanically things before but only here and there because my dad needed help, so its not like i was paying attention to why it was doing what ever I was doing.
Now that it's a school project I will force myself to actually know what I'm doing and what reason I'm doing it. Besides it's not like I'm wasting my times doing this ill be able to use these's skills for the rest of my life.
How I'm going to do this is my dad will help me learn how to fix/repair vehicles. I also have a neighbor that can help me once and a while he is willing to help me. This is very nice because he has his own garage. The problem is that it's his job and he works during the day while I'm at school that why its a once and a while thing.